We like to offer flexible cancellation terms to our guests, to meet their differing needs. So if you might need to modify or cancel your booking please get in touch with us to agree more flexible terms. On the other hand, if we have agreed a reduced rate, for example for a group booking then we will usually specify stricter cancellation terms. The following cancellation terms apply if no other arrangements have been agreed.

Please note that bookings made through third parties, such as Booking.com or Expedia, will have their own cancellation policies and it will not generally be possible to vary those.

General cancellations

  • Unless otherwise agreed, guests may cancel their booking without penalty as long as the cancellation is made at least 5 days before the date the guest is due to arrive
  • Bryn Noddfa reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the booking total for any bookings cancelled within this 5 day notice period.
  • Any bookings who fail to turn up without any prior notice, will be charged 100% of the booking total.

For group bookings we will usually require a non-refundable deposit of 30% to secure the booking, with the balance being due three weeks prior to arrival.

The management, may at their discretion, opt to waive or decrease any of the fees above. The important thing is to let us know as soon as possible if you wish to cancel your reservation.

To make, amend, or cancel a reservation please email brynnoddfa@gmail.com or call Huw on 07771 735 862. Please leave a voicemail if there is no answer.